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著 作: 钱家忠,汪家权. 中国北方型裂隙岩溶水模拟及水环境质量评价. 永利集团3044官网欢迎您出版社,2003.1 汪家权,钱家忠. 水环境系统模拟. 永利集团3044官网欢迎您出版社, 2005. 10 钱家忠主编. 地下水污染控制(第二版,省级规划教材). 永利集团3044官网欢迎您出版社, 2018.8 钱家忠主编. 地下水污染控制. 永利集团3044官网欢迎您出版社, 2009.8 钱家忠主编. 环境科学与工程专业英语(第二版,省级规划教材). 永利集团3044官网欢迎您出版社, 2010.10 崔可锐,钱家忠. 水文地质学基础.永利集团3044官网欢迎您出版社. 2010.12
第一或通讯作者代表性学术论文: 1. Xing K, Qian J*, Ma H, et al. Characterizing the Relationship Between Non‐Darcy Effect and Hydraulic Aperture in Rough Single Fractures[J]. Water Resources Research, 2021, 57(9): e2021WR030451. 2.Xing K, Qian J*, Zhao W, et al. Experimental and numerical study for the inertial dependence of non-Darcy coefficient in rough single fractures[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 603: 127148. 3.Xing K, Qian J*, Ma L, et al. Characterizing the scaling coefficient ω between viscous and inertial permeability of fractures[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 593: 125920. 4.Wang X-X, Qian J*, Ma L, et al. Determination of groundwater flow regimes based on the spatial non-local distribution of hydraulic gradient: Model and validation[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2022: 1-9. 5.Liu Y, Liu Y, Luo Q, Qian J*,et al. Experimental and numerical study of bimolecular reactive transport in a single rough-wall fracture[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 594: 125944. 6.Wang W, Zhao W, Qian J*, et al. Potential of hydraulic tomography in exploring the preferential flowpaths of water inrush in coal mine areas[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 602: 126830. 7.Wang J, Ma H, Qian J*, et al. Experimental and theoretical study on the seepage mechanism characteristics coupling with confining pressure[J]. Engineering Geology, 2021, 291: 106224. 8.Yan X, Wang X, Ma L, Qian J*,et al. Experimental and Numerical Simulation Study of Flow and Solute Transport in Pore-Fractured Media Based on High-Density Resistivity Method[J]. Lithosphere, 2021, 2021(Special 3). 9.Ma L, Huang T, Qiu H, Qian J*,et al. Hydrogeochemical characteristic evaluation and irrigation suitability assessment of shallow groundwater in Dangshan County, China[J]. Geosciences Journal, 2021, 25(5): 731-748. 10.高峰钧, 马雷, 马海春, 钱家忠*等. 粗糙元对单裂隙中溶质运移影响模拟研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展:A辑, 2021, 36(4): 7. 11.张琪, 侯晓亮, 马雷, 钱家忠*等. 基于GIS与ⅡVM的桐城市地质灾害易发性评价[J]. 永利集团3044官网欢迎您学报:自然科学版, 2021. 12.Zhang Q, Luo S, Ma H, Qian J*, et al. Experimental study on quantifying the surface form of artificial tension fractures in granite samples[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 584: 124680. 13.Qiao C, Xu Y, Zhao W, Qian J*,et al. derivative modeling on solute non-fickian transport in a single vertical fracture[J]. Frontiers in Physics, 2020, 8: 378. 14.Zhang Q, Bin Z, Xu Y, Qian J*,et al. Geological Formation Mechanism and Thermal Resources Assessment of Geothermal Spring in Lushan County, China[J]. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(2): 592. 15.Liu Y, Qian J*,, Ma L, et al. Corncob PRB for on-site nitrate removal in groundwater[J]. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2020, 13(20): 1-11. 16.Zhang Q, Luo S, Ma H, Qian J*,et al. Simulation on the water flow affected by the shape and density of roughness elements in a single rough fracture[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 573: 456-468. 17.王泽坤, 严小三, 宋羿, 钱家忠*,等. 含透镜体多孔介质中溶质二维运移实验与模拟研究[J]. 永利集团3044官网欢迎您学报:自然科学版, 2018, 41(7): 5. 18.Wang M, Zhao W-D, Garrard R,Qian J*, et al. Revisit of advection-dispersion equation model with velocity-dependent dispersion in capturing tracer dynamics in single empty fractures[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2018, 30(6): 1055-1063. 19.Qian J, Peng Y, Zhao W, et al. Hydrochemical processes and evolution of karst groundwater in the northeastern Huaibei Plain, China[J]. Hydrogeology Journal, 2018, 26(5): 1721-1729. 20.Qian J, Tong Y, Ma L, et al. Hydrochemical characteristics and groundwater source identification of a multiple aquifer system in a coal mine[J]. Mine Water and the Environment, 2018, 37(3): 528-540. 21.Qian J, Wang X-X, Ma L, et al. Simulation of denitrification in groundwater from Chaohu Lake Catchment, China[J]. Water Science and Engineering, 2018, 11(2): 114-119. 22.钱家忠, 周杨, 李福林, 等. 多孔介质中溶质non-Fickian运移模型与实验研究[J]. 中国科学技术大学学报, 2017, 47(5): 5. 23.Jiazhong Q, Yang Z, Fulin L, et al. Non-Fickian model and experimental study of solute transport in porous media[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 2017, 47(5): 421. 24.Qian J, Wang Z-K, Garrard R, et al. Non-invasive image processing method to map the spatiotemporal evolution of solute concentration in two-dimensional porous media[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2018, 30(4): 758-761. 25.He X, Qian J*, Liu Z, et al. Temporal-spatial evolution of groundwater nitrogen pollution over seven years in a highly urbanized city in the Southern China[J]. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 2017, 99(6): 753-759. 26.Hu N, Liu J, Huang P,Qian J*,et al. Sources, geochemical speciation, and risk assessment of metals in coastal sediments: a case study in the Bohai Sea, China[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017, 76(8): 1-14. 27.He X, Liu Z, Qian J*, et al. Distribution of nitrate in different aquifers in the urban district of Zhanjiang, China[J]. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 2016, 97(2): 279-285. 28.Liu Y, Chen J, Lu S,Qian J*, et al. Increased lead and cadmium tolerance of Typha angustifolia from Huaihe River is associated with enhanced phytochelatin synthesis and improved antioxidative capacity[J]. Environmental technology, 2016, 37(21): 2743-2749. 29.Qian J, Ma L, Zhan H, et al. The effect of expansion ratio on the critical Reynolds number in single fracture flow with sudden expansion[J]. Hydrological Processes, 2016, 30(11): 1718-1726. 30.Qian J, Wang L, Ma L, et al. Multivariate statistical analysis of water chemistry in evaluating groundwater geochemical evolution and aquifer connectivity near a large coal mine, Anhui, China[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(9): 1-10. 31.Ma L, Qian J*, Zhao W, et al. Hydrogeochemical analysis of multiple aquifers in a coal mine based on nonlinear PCA and GIS[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(8): 1-14. 32.Qian J, Mu W, Zhang Y, et al. Experimental study of the transition from non-Darcian to Darcy behavior for flow through a single fracture[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 2015, 27(5): 679-688. 33.Qian J, Zhan H, Zhang Y, et al. Numerical simulation and experimental study of bimolecular reactive transport in porous media[J]. Transport in Porous Media, 2015, 109(3): 727-746. 34.Qian J, Wu Y, Zhang Y, et al. Evaluating differences in transport behavior of sodium chloride and Brilliant Blue FCF in sand columns[J]. Transport in Porous Media, 2015, 109(3): 765-779. 35.Qian J, Wang L, Liu Y, et al. Distribution of nitrate and its implication for the contaminant source in groundwater of Huaibei Plain, Anhui Province[J]. Geosciences Journal, 2015, 19(3): 537-545. 36.张明轩, 钱家忠*,马雷. 改进尼梅罗法和可拓法在地下水环境质量评价中的应用[J]. 永利集团3044官网欢迎您学报:自然科学版, 2014, 37(11): 5. 37.Qian J, Zhou X, Zhan H, et al. Numerical simulation and evaluation of groundwater resources in a fractured chalk aquifer: a case study in Zinder well field, Niger[J]. Environmental earth sciences, 2014, 72(8): 3053-3065. 38.Huang H, Qian J*, Kuang X-X, et al. The influence of low-permeability cap on capillary pressure during pumping in unconfined aquifer[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2013, 25(6): 867-870. 39.Qian J, Chen Z, Zhan H, et al. Solute transport in a filled single fracture under non-Darcian flow[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2011, 48(1): 132-140. 40.钱家忠, 刘咏, 张勇, 等. 多孔介质双分子反应溶质运移实验与模拟研究[J]. 中国科学技术大学学报, 2013, 43(2): 6. 41.Huang H, Qian J*, Kuang X-X, et al. Experimental study of airflow induced by pumping tests in unconfined aquifer with low-permeability cap[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 2012, 24(4): 605-608. 42.Chen Z, Qian J*, Zhan H, et al. Effect of roughness on water flow through a synthetic single rough fracture[J]. Environmental earth sciences, 2017, 76(4): 1-17. 43.马雷, 钱家忠*,赵卫东. 基于GIS和水质水温的矿井突水水源快速判别[J]. 煤田地质与勘探, 2014. 44.Qian J, Liang M, Chen Z, et al. Eddy correlations for water flow in a single fracture with abruptly changing aperture[J]. Hydrological Processes, 2012, 26(22): 3369-3377. 45.刘咏, 钱家忠*, 魏兆军, 等. 反硝化细菌Klebsiella sp.DB-1的分离鉴定与活性研究[J]. 中国科学技术大学学报, 2011, 41(1): 7. 46.Qian J, Zhan H, Chen Z, et al. Experimental study of solute transport under non-Darcian flow in a single fracture[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2011, 399(3-4): 246-254. 47.Qian J, Wang L, Zhan H, et al. Urban land-use effects on groundwater phosphate distribution in a shallow aquifer, Nanfei River basin, China[J]. Hydrogeology Journal, 2011, 19(7): 1431-1442. 48.Qian J, Wang Z, Jin S, et al. Nitrate removal from groundwater in columns packed with reed and rice stalks[J]. Environmental technology, 2011, 32(14): 1589-1595.